Oahu Water Lilies

And other pond plants including water lotus, water lettuce.

Woods Blue Goddess

‘Wood’s Blue Goddess’ is a superb tropical water lily that features sky blue flowers with near black stamens. It has been noted to tolerate some shade. Created by John Wood and is reportedly a cross between Nymphaea ampla and Nymphaea...

Moon Beam

The name Nymphaea ‘Moonbeam’ was inspired by the soft hues of yellow and blue that reminded us of a moonbeam on a summer night. Nymphaea ‘Moonbeam’ was a chance seedling here at Florida Aquatic Nurseries and was released to the trade in 2005. Nymphaea ‘Moonbeam’ is...


Nymphaea ‘Alexis’ produces large, purple/blue flowers held high above green leaves. The numerous petaloid stamens produce a sea anemone like appearance to the flower. The is a large plant and a vigorous grower. The flowers of Nymphaea Alexis average 6 to 7 inches in...

Purple Joy

Nymphaea Purple Joy is a day blooming water lily. This water lily boats vibrant green viviparous leaves. This water lily flowers can span as wide as 4-5 inches across. The petals of the flower are white with contrasting purple tips surrounding a bouquet of golden...